infoclouds, supercomputing |
Graduate Seminar, machine learning, Parameter-free online optimization |
graph and alignment algorithms, methylation biomarker, News |
Graduate Seminar, IoT, networking |
algorithms, applied mathematics, Computer science, numerical analysis, Workshop, CFD |
biology, bioscience, NMR, proteins, News |
artificial intelligence, Computer science, machine learning, News |
Computer science, COVID-19, visual computing, News |
Computer Vision, Deep learning, machine learning |
Computer Vision |
bioinformatics, machine learning |
Graduate Seminar |
Graduate Seminar |
augmented reality, computer graphics, GPU Computing, Scientific Visualization, virtual reality |
algorithms, big data, machine learning, optimization |
applied mathematics, computational methods, MATLAB, Signal processing |
computer graphics, Computer Vision, Deep learning, machine learning, remote sensing |
3D reconstruction, urban modeling, visual computing, News |
Combinatorial machine learning, Dynamic programming, Spotlight, News |
HPC, Parallel and Distributed Computing, parallel simulations, PhD Defense, scientific computing, News |
News |
Graduate Seminar, machine learning, physics-based simulation, visual computing |
point cloud, real-time rendering, Seminar, visualization, volume data reconstruction, web-based framework |
point processes, Seminar, stochastic models |
Computer science, Imaging, visual computing, News |
Cryptography, cybersecurity, device capabilities, IoT, machine learning, Seminar, user authentication, user's bio-features |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
machine learning, Thesis Defense |
data disaggregation algorithms, Seminar, University of Minnesota |
Neural Networks, Seminar |
CFT replication protocol, Graduate Seminar, TEE replication, TEEMS |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
Graduate Seminar |
Graduate Seminar |
News |
communications, energy harvesting, wireless networks, News |
News |
Information Technology, News |
Awards, News |
News |
Awards, News |
big data, machine learning, Spotlight, Awards, News |
visual computing, visualization, Spotlight, News |
News |
News |
News |
artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, biomedical data, PhenomeNET, News |
News |
artificial intelligence, computational imaging, computer graphics, generative ai, optics, Awards, News |
Spotlight, News |
artificial intelligence, big data, biomedical data, comparative genomics, human health, machine learning, News |
Seminar |
PhD Dissertation Defense, prediction tools, promoters, protein coding, RNA genes, TSS |
Study |
Graduate Seminar, prototypical random walks, zero-shot recognition |
Workshop |
Graduate Seminar |
advanced materials, materials science, Seminar, wiley |
High Performance Computing, statistics, News |